Entertainment, music, and art continues to aid the molding of the people within our society. Creation is essential to how we cope with the world and eachother. I hardly believe anyone can live without it. In whatever form appeals to them of course.
Things like reading, music, theatre, movies, comedy, coin collectors (lol idk were reaching here). But ultimately you understand art/creation and its many forms are nearly endless. Where would we be without it? And look at where we are with it.
I can’t say its influences are all positive. With the entertainment industry being heavily influenced by numbers, popularity, and money we start to loose the gray area. The most essential part to the beauty of our ability to create. The gray area that was originality, individualism, and the accidental masterpiece’s. These essentials are constantly drowned out by the replications of mainstream media. Things start to sound the same and ideas are being regurgitated. After all why reinvent the wheel?

Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still. – Chinese Proverb
None of us are truly as original in our content as we would like to believe. Unless of course there are those truly fighting to hold onto it. To the quirky individuals still rooted within traditional values yet refusing to silence their inner child. To the people brave enough to welcome children into the world and grow to be a responsible child-like spirit with them. The outcasts, the underdogs, ‘geeks’, authentic hipster alumni’s, anime advocates, the introverts and all those in-between this is for you.
Remember the tale of the race between the Tortoise and the Hare.There are those running a short race and though they may seem to prevail at first… the real results are found within time and patience. True leaders and influencers will stand the test of time.
Remember to pace yourself, keep going, visualize, and execute. On your own divine timing and universal clock. Let them sleep. This is your power. Remember the Hare’s foolish confidence and where it lead him. It lead him to underestimate his competition and to sleep… and to no avail his opponent had finished before him.
The moral isn’t who gets there first. Just as long as you get there. And judge less while on your way as you haven’t any clue who you could be standing next to. Only time will tell.
- Ribelu.com "Home of The Black Sheep".
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