Tune into bts reel of host and online influencer as Ribelu Raw Reel tags a long w/ SavageTeee of #WhosUpNextWithSavageTeee
AuxWars Florida was a total hit and complete success! Mars and YoJose in collaboration with YesJulz and a small innovative team brought all of their best ideas together to test out an original concept. A concept where Mars saw the opportunity to create a space in an area that needed it . He was able t o incorporate strategies of those who already succeeded with his own personal twist and style. A lot of people are in contact with him to review their songs and music so he wanted to get everyone together to do just that.
Mars from Miami recently relocated to California in pursuit of establishing a platform that he plans to streamline directly back to the slew of talented artists and entertainment he left at home in Miami. Whats so awesome is that he also decided to link Orlando and Tampa with the movement! Way to look out ! He's definitely a quirky, down to earth individual, and a leader of this generation.
There was merchandise for sale, giveaways from vendors, and so much more. The show streamed live on 1AMRadio where listeners shared how they felt they were right there for the event.
Some Artists music made it to the radio waves with 1AmRadio!
Check out the interivew above where $avageTeee with #WhosUpNextWithSavageTeee interviews Mars3Times for the 411 on how it all came to be.
Follow Mars on Ig: @Mars3Times
1AmRadio on Ig: @1amradio
Follow $avageTeee on Ig: @TalentlessTyti
Follow Ribelu.com on Ig: @RibeluNow.Tv