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Orlando Moon Circles held by the Fl School of Holistic Living

Updated: Jan 27, 2019

Location: Currently held at the Dandelion Cafe downtown Orlando, FL

. Link and information at the end of this article.

It was a recommendation from a business partner who's known to always leave “trails of stardust” wherever they walk (literally being in their presence is enlightening). So here I had followed a trail of star dust and arrived at the gates of the Dandelion Community Cafe and their courtyard in downtown Orlando. On this day 12/07/2018 a Moon Circle was taking place in preparation for the developing cycles. I made a donation upon entering. Their message stating that they want to get the word out about their events, the culture surrounding them, and to share with others the upcoming Moon Circle events to come. All non-religious gatherings presented by the "Florida Holistic Living School". They have several locations in Florida. Their contact information and website is located at the end of this article .

As I walked in, there, hanging above me were lights barely rocking back and forth, the aroma of beans and seasoned mixtures sifting through the air, people dancing and frolicking about in and out of the yard. Very quickly my eyes dilated with child like excitement. So many backgrounds of people, age groups, and yet they all appeared to be filled with something reminiscent of that child like spirit we all either once had or never lost. They felt free, happy, light. Vibrating a rumble of a universal wave length from a unified home. Life pulsing about.

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Disclaimer and/or public annoucement: Given that you are on this website you must know that this is "The Home of The Black Sheep". To be different, to swim against the flow, and dancing to your own drum is what this place is about. It's the drive for the movement here on this site. It's a big thing to be original, to be your authentic self, and to feel free in this country. With so many variables present in our media that can influence people into these cookie cutter persona's. Some may begin to feel like there aren't many genuine people left. But sense kicks in because you KNOW that couldn't possibly be true. Then you get an invite to a place like this and go 'ah, here they are" lol. It's great to see so many different people gathering together in one spot. They were welcoming and approached with warmth. They allowed me to photograph, film, and one even encouraged me to a dance with others around the fire. Commenting on how “you’ll always have the chance to take nice photos ... but you’ll never know when you’ll have a chance to dance like this”. This is the heartbeat of the event. The dance and the fire. Your greeted with the smell of food, presented with beautiful art and items to buy, and their beating heart of drums in the center of the court yard. Fire people dance.

I saw everyone from a mother with her children, light spinners, millennial aliens and galactic dinosaurs, a man and his beloved snake all between chefs, baristas, drummers, couples, lone wolfers, families, and groups under the stars with candles. It was a mixed bowl of the good stuff. This event to me was physically energizing , recreationally satisfying, primal, and absolutely thrilling.

Chriss Eon POV - v i d e o

This December night was a inhale, an exhale, and rest assured the event was a breath of fresh air. And before I forget, I couldn't possibly miss the chance to share my experience with the food and products I was able to purchase and enjoy. I had a black bean burrito with jalapeños , blue nachos, and this delicious ranch avocado dip (i think those were the contents lol). A photo of it is the video above. So delicious, they inspired me to create a make-shift version at home. Which I now enjoy quite often.

I purchased hand made candles (my room would smell so great in a matter of seconds of lighting them), soaps, and incense from Heather Kiskis. Kiskis Kreations is the name of her company. The candles were made of soy and very slow burning. And a soap that was a ginger orange spice (i believe). I really enjoyed the products. Quality made in my opinion and I believe she enjoys what she creates as the products resonate with that foundation. my experience with them would encourage me to be a repeat shopper. Nothing like the products from convenience stores that always leave me dry or smell like some kind of alcohol or chemical (my opinion) . If your interested in trying her products then please see her contact information located below.

Heather Kiskis Email : Orlando Fl - 407-617-4085 - "Handcrafted Soaps , Body products, and soy candles."

There were many vendors present at the event with tons of unique jewlery, accessories, dream catchers and more. Dont forget to check out our Raw Reel on the event on our YouTube channel (#ribelurawreel) . There’s tons of great footage that cover a great deal of the products and services that were available . If your interested in becoming a vendor that information can also be obtained via the links below.

For More Information on Orlando Moon Circles presented by the "Holistic Living School". is a website featuring articles , creative blogs, music, merchandise and more. ”Home of the Black Sheep”

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