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Delaware has just the right sounds: Inteview with @OHHIALI

ali instagram

I have been on the search for the new sound, new up and comings that don't just mumble like the rest of them but have something to say with the art they present. On a not so eventful 4th of July, I opened twitter and came across someone sharing a song teaser. Clicking on it I was immediately hooked by the skills effortless paraded in the short link. I had to find out if this was just one of those on hitters or if I was on the shores of some uncharted talent. I actually checked the sound cloud link...I wasn't ready.

Take a look after the break.


Ali was able to spare some time with me to share some words, an interview of a sort.

The breakdown goes as follows.

Jer: So how long have you been rapping?

Ali: I've been making music since i was like 8 but i didn't start rapping until i was 14 maybe 15.

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ali instagram 1

Jer: I see, that gives you quite a period of growth and start up compared to the usual 3 year start up time most people seem to start off with these days.

Ali: Yeah, my uncle is huge into music and he brought me around it early. Like as soon as he saw my passion for it he put me in the studio. He is a big reason why i’m rapping now.

Jer: What originally inspired you to go after a rapping style instead of any kind of alternative or experimental sound?

Ali: Well i love Kanye, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is one of my favorite albums and as i got deeper into learning the history of hip-hop i fell in love with Lil Kim, A tribe called quest, Busta Rhymes, Andre 3000, Missy Elliott so I've always loved people who could just destroy a beat but did more than just rap. I've always admired artist who could rap and be themselves unapologetically. As i got older Tyler The Creator, Kendrick Lamar, Joyner Lucas and Childish Gambino became people i looked at and molded myself after.

Jer: You got a very solid head bolted on. What influences your lyrics are what you have to say in your songs?

Ali: haha you can thank my mom for that but i rap about shit i have been through. Everyone has a story to tell and i try to vividly display mine because there is someone out there who can relate to it.

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ali instagram 3

Jer: So you would say the songs come from your experiences or ones you see around you?

Ali: The songs defiantly come from my personal experiences. It's funny cause i used to ask myself why God was putting me through all this shit but now i couldn't be more grateful for it.

Jer: Which makes people curious, so the question came up, how old are you ali?

Ali: I am 23 years young and i level up next May

Jer: Do you have any specific routine to prepare for a song?

Ali: not really, i kind of just dig around for beats or my slidergang brothers will make me stuff and its like the joey bada$$ lyric "if it don't touch my spirit i wont get near it" lol I kinda just mumble shit until i find a topic or a phrase i like then run from there.

Jer: lol, are you or have you thought of joining a collective/group?

Ali: yeah man i just bullshit around and say random shit that comes to mind unless i already have something premeditated. If the beat really hits me though a subject will come to me easy . So i am apart of two collectives Tre Squad is my Delaware family. That includes Myself, iBri, Marcus, Mekhi Fay$on, Winz Got Beats and Guy Skyrmin. I grew up with these dudes we spend a lot of time together they are my brothers. Then im apart of an audio collective Slidergang which i was just brought into within the last year. I met them online after linking with my bro D.J. Got The Juice. i would name all of them but its so many of us it'll take awhile but they are my brothers to, i just recently went up to Ny to meet a few of them for the first time and it was one hell of a time, it felt like we all knew each other for years.

Jer: Are you familiar with odd future or brockhampton? (real stan gotta ask stan shit)

Ali: VERY!! I love the both of them so much!

Jer: Do you see yourself joining or starting a progress of blow up similar to them?

Ali: I mean i think everyone's path is different so i can say my success will be just like their's but Funeral did get a cult liking very similar to how brockhampton and OF blew up.

Jer: Dny collaboration Dreams?

Ali: That's a hard question but if i had to choose......prolly Tyler The Creator for sure, Missy Elliott, Busta, Kendrick Lamar, Andre 3000, Goldlink. lol i can go on and on.

Jer: Do you plan to stick to only your current style or so you have a hidden secret flow

Ali: And i have a bunch of styles and flows that i plan to show everyone soon. I have self diagnosed add so the same thing tends to bore me. So i try to switch things up. Plus i like experimenting with the sound of my voice and ways i can deliver lines

Jer: Will you go on tour and if so where?

Ali: Man i hope so soon, and i really wanna travel all over the place. I haven't really been anywhere so i really wanna see everywhere but expect a tour especially if all this music takes off

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ali instagram 2

Jer: So any opinion on higher education?

Ali: Its not for everyone. I don't knock it because many people go on to do great things but its not for everybody and that's okay. I know people who are in school now because the don't want to disappoint someone but they hate it and want to be doing something else. So to all the kids that don't wanna be in school or go to school don't go do whatever your heart wants

Jer: As Tyler would say, find your wings and fly, if you could open for one person who would it be and why?

Ali: I would have to say Tyler, i love that audience he has they are so interactive and so lively and my performances are something i pride myself on so i feel like i could match the energy of the night

Jer: That's a big weight to hold over your self but I can see you handling it well and thriving off the vibes back. one more question for ya. Do you have anything coming up soon you wanna have people looking out for?

Ali: I cant say much but just make sure you say hi when you see me.



I hope we hear a lot more from this artist, hip-hop is ever evolving and possibilities are truly endless.


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